This is Lilalab’s network

The best creations are done in team. Meet our international network of amazing creatives.

  • Entrepreneur, facilitator, writer

    Country: Slovenia

    IG: @raznoglednice and @lilalab_creatives

    About: Meta Pezdir, MSc, is a young creative - in many aspects of life. Her career mission is to bring techniques from creative writing into the everyday lives of everyone, including 'non-writers'.

    In 2022, she founded the Lilalab network, where she assists individuals and organizations in discovering their authentic voice and communicating their story. She primarily collaborates with women, empowering them in personal leadership through methods of creative and reflective writing.

    As a great nature lover, for over 10 years, she has actively contributed to various international projects in the field of sustainable development. Among other roles, she is one of the national coordinators of the European project PSLifestyle, which empowers individuals to make their lifestyle as positive and sustainable as possible.

    Meta is also a creator herself. Her poems and stories can be found, among other places, on the Instagram profile Raznoglednice, as well as in the children's magazine Ciciban.

  • Creative Writing Teacher and Writer

    Collaboration on: Female Voice

    Country: Italy

    IG: @inparolepolvere

    About: Vittoria Elena Papa was born in Rome, where she cultivated her passion for languages ​​and literature since she was a child by studying at the French school “Lycée Chateubriand de Rome”, obtaining the Baccalauréat with a literary specialization; she then graduated in International Law at the University L.U.I.S.S Guido Carli.

    She has published several stories for the magazine MagO' by Omero Editore and collaborates as a teacher of creative writing for adults and children at the Luigi Settembrini and Sinopoli-Ferrini comprehensive schools.

  • Creative Writing Teacher, Editor, and Writer

    Collaboration on: LAtelje

    Country: Slovenia

    IG: @bralka_sanjalka

  • Social pedagogue, Workshops Facilitator and Writer

    Collaboration on: Najdi svoj glas

    Country: Slovenia

    IG: @marusa_in_fairyland

    About: Maruša is a Master of Social Pedagogy. In her master's thesis, she deepened her knowledge in the field of mental health, psychosocial distress, and the use of artistic creation as a tool for well-being. She gained work experience as a educator in a boarding school and as an educator for additional professional assistance in kindergarten.

    Her interests are also focused on fairy tale themes and symbolism, writing, and spiritual practices. She has published the fairy tale Češnjev cvet (Narava publishing house). She brings expertise in mental health and the use of artistic content to the group.

  • Knowledge expert, Psychologist

    Collaboration on: Textherapy Handbook

    Country: Slovenia

    IG: @lumineria_slo

    About: After graduating in biopsychology, in 2023 she obtained her master's degree in psychology at UP FAMNIT, where her research focused on social psychology and transgenerational trauma.

    She gained work experience in psychoeducation and conducting workshops for adolescents and adults through the PKP project for individuals with fibromyalgia and the project "A (se) štekaš?!? " in the field of suicide prevention.

    She further strengthened her skills in organizing and leading psychoeducational workshops and creating psychoeducational materials through her work at Pozitivna psihologija za boljše življenje and through her internship at the Health Promotion Center and the Center for Social Work.

  • Knowledge expert, Social pedagogue

    Collaboration on: Textherapy Handbook

    Country: Slovenia

    About: Lara is a preschool teacher and a third-year student of social pedagogy. As a student, she works in a kindergarten and also serves as an animator and leader of vacations for children and adolescents at Caritas Slovenia.

    She was the coordinator of the charity concert "Koča", which connects, as well as the "Kuhajmo skupaj" project. She organized cooking workshops for children, where young people spent quality time with older individuals and gained new cooking skills.

    She also acquired additional knowledge and experience during a semester-long study exchange in the Czech Republic, where she completed an internship at an international kindergarten and school in Olomouc.

  • Knowledge expert, facilitator

    Collaboration on: Climate Anxiety & Fairy Tales Workshop

    Country: the Netherlands

    Gilberto’s Website

    About: Stemming from Curacao, Gilberto Morishaw is a passionate advocate for social justice, regeneration, and community development. He has a background in International Governance, Innovation and Systems Thinking. He is a former youth advisor for the European Commissioner for International Partnerships, a Senior Fellow for Humanity in Action, Global Shaper for the World Economic Forum, and a German Marshall Fund TILN Fellow.

    He is a founder of Merge Collective, former Head of Impact at Kolektivo, and consultant at Creativo Design, and runs multiple initiatives related to climate, community-building, policy and technology.

Creative partners

  • A poet, creator, and experienced facilitator

    Collaboration on: Creative Partner

    Countries: Slovenia, UK

    IG: @creative_tea_breaks

    About: Alice is a poet, creator, and experienced facilitator.

    She’s devoted to showing others how to explore and make art so that they can flourish with creativity. She calls this work Creative Tea Breaks.

    In Tea Breaks Alice utilises arts and art practices to promote self discovery and uncover new ways to interact with surroundings, making participants better interpreters of the world, problem solvers, and better equipped to deal with challenges.

Partner Organizations

Circular Change

Institute for Circular Economy

Knjižnica REČI

Non-profit lending library of various items for leisure time.


Information Technologies

Young Caritas

Karitas mladih v Sloveniji

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