The Sweet Secret to Motivation: The Cookie Jar Method

Have you ever heard of a Cookie Jar Method?

It is a simple motivational technique designed by David Goggins to keep you going when your mind starts to waver. How does it work?

  • STEP 1: Find a cookie jar.

  • STEP 2: Jot down all your significant achievements on small pieces of paper and place them in the jar.

  • STEP 3: Whenever you need a boost of motivation, reach into your "cookie jar" and remind yourself of your accomplishments.

Remember: Keep adding "cookies" to your jar every time you achieve something new!

Our colleague, Meta Pezdir, is among the third-generation AWE entrepreneurs who participate in a group mentorship program. This week, she met with her group, including Marta Namačinski, Saša Aden, and their mentor Anja Šerc, and they decided to explore this method.

Ready to set up your own cookie jar and join us? Let's do this together!


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